Saturday, March 24, 2018

Puttering Around the Apartment

Dear readers, hope you are having a great weekend. I wish I were in Washington, D.C. today. I am so proud of our young people. I so hope they are able to accomplish what we were not able to accomplish when I was young.

While I am following along on YouTube, I am puttering around my apartment. When I am concerned about politics, it calms my mind to think about beauty. Afterall, art is politics and politics is art. Our problems all stem from greed, and the fear of lack. But there's enough to around. We all need beauty in our lives.

A digression? Maybe so. Anyhow, puttering is my favorite thing to do. Admittedly, I have design ADD. I have no budget to decorate, but nonetheless I move something everyday, even if it's just a pillow or a vase. Here's a couple of examples of how areas in my place take on a different look very simply, only using what I already have.

My current look is definitely something from nothing. For more on the issue of gun contol, please see my previous post.

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